First, I would look for someone who is going to teach the fundamentals g-r-a-d-u-a-l-l-y. It is wrong to assume that a student knows the basics, but as Millie Gosch has said over and over again, "It may take a thousand times that you say something and the 1001th time, they are ready to receive it." It takes repetition, repetition, repetition and everyone needs to be reminded about what is important. Secondly, are you improving with continued instruction? If not, uh, oh... Thirdly, are you being treated as an individual - not as a group. Are there any "favorites" - this would not be a good sign. Fourth, is the class overcrowded? Too many people and you will not get the attention that you need, have paid for and deserve. Fifth, are you training with people you like. It helps to learn with people who help and encourage you. Sixth, does the teacher encourage competition? I cannot imagine a more uncomfortable situation. Seventh, do you feel "safe" in the environent? Be careful of intimidating students (and teachers). Teachers should control this aspect of a class. And, teachers who are overbearing can be intimidating to students. Teachers make mistakes, too, so find one who is humble. Eight...an overly critical teacher can make you give up (I hope I have never done this to anyone!!!). Criticism without instruction on how to improve is of no use to the student or anyone for that matter. Students progress by winning, not by loosing. And, last, but not least, and I feel most importantly, "Are you having fun and learning something at the same time?" All of these questions I have posed to you with the help of the words of Eric Hines...
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