The teachers are getting a summer holiday and will be back the week of September 12th! I, thus, decided to study with a portrait artist from Buford, Ga, Connie Reilly. I have for many years admired her work. Having the school closed gave me the chance to jump on this. I have to thank Gary Weiss immensely for getting me to a point that I really did begin to "see" things. And, Connie is helping me see, too!
Above is my first study done the morning of my first class. I have to admit that I am ALWAYS a bit nervous at first when attempting to do a portrait study and it takes at least an hour for me to wind down.

After settling in and after we all enjoyed lunch together, this is my second portrait study. Although Connie did help me with the elliptical shape of the iris and pupil, I think I felt more successful - calmer, more in control, steadier and slower. Of note is the value of light in the shadow area of the neck as it compares to the highlight areas in the face.
Thank you Annie Jefferson for being such a great model!!!
I had a great time!!!!
See you all in the fall!!! Have a great holiday!
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